How to use "superhuman" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "superhuman" in popular movie and book plots

  • The end of the world is fast approaching as superhuman individuals gather and take sides in Tokyo, the battle site of Armageddon.  - X (manga)
  • Due to Jadoo, Rohit also becomes good at dance and sport, due to his physical strength and agility being increased to superhuman levels.  - Koi... Mil Gaya
  • Rice's vampires are immortal, possess superhuman strength, eyesight and agility, and require blood for sustenance.  - The Vampire Chronicles
  • However, unknown to them, Hades possesses several superhuman abilities, such as mental manipulation and extreme durability.  - The Eyre Affair
  • From one of his experiments emerged the Cyber Series – artificial humanoids possessing superhuman strength and agility.  - Cybersix
  • The Spectre appears to McCay and recruits him to help pass judgment on the approaching superhuman apocalypse.  - Kingdom Come (comics)
  • The process is described as changing the agents into "shadowy superhuman beings bent on executing the will of their true master".  - StarCraft: Ghost
  • She is secretly an Intuitionist (a genetically engineered human with superhuman intuition), who is working with her lover, Barron Neville.  - The Gods Themselves
  • He also points out that the murderer would have had to have superhuman strength to force the daughter's body up the chimney.  - The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • The chemicals cause him to transform into a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength.  - The Toxic Avenger (film)
  • Smith continues to demonstrate psychic abilities and superhuman intelligence, coupled with a childlike naïveté.  - Stranger in a Strange Land
  • In England, she discovers that her magical powers do not work, although she retains her superhuman strength.  - The Magician's Nephew
  • In wuxia tales, however, the mastery of such skills are highly exaggerated to superhuman levels of achievement and prowess.  - Wuxia
  • She overpowers them with superhuman abilities, but a group of sinister superhuman black-suited Agents lead the police in a rooftop pursuit.  - The Matrix
  • The curse gives him superhuman strength in the injured arm, but is fatal.  - Princess Mononoke
  • This time the experiment works and Vornoff is transformed to an atomic-powered superhuman being.  - Bride of the Monster

Meaning of "superhuman" in English

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Meaning of "superhuman" in Hindi

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