How to use "superintendent" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "superintendent" in popular movie and book plots

  • The building's superintendent believes her to actually be the janitor and pesters her about the maintenance that needs to be done.  - The Pothole
  • Dev Pratap Sharma, her husband and a superintendent of police, is informed of her abduction.  - Raavan
  • The anti-Semitic superintendent of the building is a constant problem for the entire family and now for Chaya.  - Left Luggage (film)
  • He takes a job as the superintendent of an apartment building in New York.  - The Strangers in 7A
  • He escapes, and the police superintendent berates lead investigator Inspector Hartman.  - Nighthawks (film)
  • That doesn't sit well with Malcolm Metcalf, Oliver's father and last superintendent of the Asylum, who died some forty years before.  - John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles
  • The Wizard makes Tik-Tok the superintendent of the scalawagon factory.  - The Scalawagons of Oz
  • The man flees, and Marlowe proceeds further into the building, finding the superintendent passed out in a drunken stupor.  - The Little Sister
  • Eisner wrote that he based the superintendent on the "mysterious but threatening custodian" of his boyhood tenement.  - A Contract with God
  • Prickly went to the superintendent as a means of recourse.  - Recess: School's Out
  • Rake's brutal training methods were called into question, and the superintendent of education, who also was Reardon's uncle, fired Rake.  - Bleachers (novel)
  • Matsubara complains to the building superintendent but he does nothing to fix the leak.  - Dark Water (2002 film)
  • The bulldog crime-boss Bugsy Vile was inspired by the building's grouchy bulldog superintendent Bruno.  - Dog City
  • The prisoners kill their superintendent and surgeon during a storm, so their conditions are raised to meet naval standards.  - Desolation Island (novel)
  • Retired superintendent Spence provides Poirot with a list of murders or disappearances in the last few years that Joyce might have witnessed.  - Hallowe'en Party
  • One of them tells the superintendent of this and he agrees to intervene.  - Sanjuro

Meaning of "superintendent" in English

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Meaning of "superintendent" in Hindi

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