How to use "superiority" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "superiority" in popular movie and book plots

  • Sahoo subtly balances these two roles and at the same time, highlights the superiority of a wife in a pragmatic world.  - The Dark Abode
  • They commit the crime as an intellectual exercise; they want to prove their superiority by committing the "perfect murder".  - Rope (film)
  • Although the ground forces have captured and reprogrammed the KPA ground-based air defenses, attaining air superiority for theS.  - Homefront (video game)
  • They maintain their superiority by practicing "nerve-rejuvenation," in which the life energy of dogs is transferred to humans.  - New Amazonia
  • Knowing this, the inherent superiority of the clan system slowly defeats the regular government forces, eventually taking San Francisco.  - No Truce with Kings
  • Fritz sees the superiority of a simple life of mutual love over the bon vivant life of an urban bachelor.  - Dalliance
  • The Empire uses its military superiority to quickly put the Federation on the defensive.  - Valkyria Chronicles
  • And the pre-teen Karen has become moody, sullen and developed a superiority complex.  - Outnumbered (British TV series)
  • He puts them through a series of sadistic trials to determine if one of them exhibits no fear, indicating superiority to bear his son.  - This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse
  • The Doctor tells Repple that they still need to find a power-mad homicidal maniac with a superiority complex.  - The Clockwise Man
  • Miss Cleothilda has decided she is to be "queen" once more, but with a more gentile superiority complex.  - The Dragon Can't Dance
  • Enraged by the superiority of co-worker Paul Allen's card, Bateman murders a homeless man and kills the man's dog.  - American Psycho (film)
  • She disdainfully antagonizes him, asserting her sense of superiority over him, spinning tale after tale about her plans for the future.  - A Streetcar Named Desire (1951 film)
  • Flem's superiority as a trader is acknowledged by Ratliff, who is himself no mean trader.  - The Hamlet
  • Meanwhile, Adam convinces a group of vampires of their superiority and they attack a church.  - Who Are You (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • At the same time, he is bombarded with propaganda messages about the superiority of the Aryan race and the glory of working for the Führer.  - Der Fuehrer's Face

Meaning of "superiority" in English

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Meaning of "superiority" in Hindi

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