How to use "superlative" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "superlative" in popular movie and book plots

  • He must be a strong and just ruler, able to inspire fear and respect in the people, and be of noble lineage or superlative prowess.  - Sir Tryamour
  • A baffling series of clues and a high-speed boat chase in the Port of London add up to a superlative Disney mystery thriller.  - The London Connection
  • At a London music hall theatre, Richard Hannay (Robert Donat) is watching a demonstration of the superlative powers of recall of "Mr.  - The 39 Steps (1935 film)
  • She still cannot get the broth just right, so Gorō brings in the "old master" and his superlative expertise.  - Tampopo

Meaning of "superlative" in English

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Meaning of "superlative" in Hindi

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