How to use "supernova" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "supernova" in popular movie and book plots

  • God reveals that a powerful supernova may be enough to kill her.  - Alpha and Omega (Supernatural)
  • He spots a supernova within the painting that occurred centuries after the real painting was made, just in time to stop the bomb.  - The Great Game (Sherlock)
  • The aliens use their powerful weapon, the Sun Dagger, to initiate a supernova in the sun.  - Total Eclipse (1994 video game)
  • Apparently, the triple supernova has opened a rift in space and time.  - The Day Time Ended
  • While a full-blown supernova does not occur, explosions on the sun cause massive damage in Australia and in various other parts of the world.  - Supernova (2005 film)
  • After reading an astronomy article, a cheela realizes that the supernova half a million human years ago created both their races.  - Dragon's Egg
  • With the supernova imminent, the elated Elbrun informs Data he will stay with Gomtuu, believing it is where he truly belongs.  - Tin Man (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Faith and Robin Wood take a group of Slayers to the Hellmouth in Cleveland, which has gone supernova with evil, to stabilize the hell there.  - Queen of the Slayers
  • He tells Rose he is using the energy of a supernova to transmit to her via one last small breach between universes.  - Doomsday (Doctor Who)
  • The supernova then devolves into a black hole, where Arrow falls.  - Treasure Planet
  • The village priest then witnessed the formation of a supernova and somehow deduced that a black hole had formed shortly thereafter.  - Children of the Stones
  • Omega was a solar engineer who created the supernova that powers Time Lord civilization, and was thought to be killed in the explosion.  - The Three Doctors (Doctor Who)
  • While being taught by Odeen, she also discovers the supernova problem that Lamont uncovered in the first section.  - The Gods Themselves

Meaning of "supernova" in English

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Meaning of "supernova" in Hindi

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