How to use "superstitious" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "superstitious" in popular movie and book plots

  • When Arne married the superstitious Eugenia, he agreed to have seven children with her—one for each point of the compass, excluding north.  - East (novel)
  • Kumaraswamy is extremely superstitious and he heavily depends on the astrology of Parabrahma Swamy (Brahmanandam).  - Gudumba Shankar
  • He urges Courtois to go back to Paris and not waste his life among ignorant, superstitious peasants.  - The Hour of the Pig
  • Soto Luzon, a superstitious Indian, informs Ramón that the Manta Diablo, a giant manta, lives in a cave in the lagoon.  - The Black Pearl (Scott O'Dell)
  • Back in The Desert, Sioned and the other ladies form a plan to diminish the Vellanti army and rid the invaders of their superstitious priests.  - Skybowl
  • At the time, Novalee is "seventeen, seven months pregnant, thirty-seven pounds overweight, and superstitious about sevens".  - Where the Heart Is (novel)
  • Joe Sam’s superstitious dread of the panther irritates domineering Curt.  - Track of the Cat
  • But he is perturbed when the woman instead begin to perform superstitious rites.  - Nazarín
  • His death started superstitious speculation.  - Poirot Investigates
  • Joy Lee), a superstitious vagrant, and her strong but dim-witted son, Cyrus (Steven Bailey), who are secretly living in a barn on the estate.  - Phantasmagoria (video game)
  • Julia, the superstitious wife of the local prefect, considers them blessed.  - Barabbas (1961 film)
  • She is accused of witchcraft by Melekhov's superstitious neighbors, who attempt to kill her but are fought off by her husband.  - And Quiet Flows the Don
  • The other two keepers, old superstitious Reuben and the keen young Vince Hawkins, report that a light fell from the sky near the island.  - Horror of Fang Rock
  • In the confusion sure to break out among the superstitious sailors, Peters and Augustus, helped by Tiger, will take over the ship again.  - The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
  • Mrs Lyons's superstitious prediction has come true, and the narrator questions whether class was more to blame than superstition.  - Blood Brothers (musical)
  • Terminus also convinces the superstitious locals that helping him capture the dragon will solve their problems.  - Pete's Dragon (1977 film)

Meaning of "superstitious" in English

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Meaning of "superstitious" in Hindi

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