How to use "supervise" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "supervise" in popular movie and book plots

  • A contingent of British peacekeepers are stationed in Goražde thereafter to supervise the disarmament process of the militias.  - Safe Area Goražde
  • Antoine, a successful French civil engineer, travels to Tangiers to supervise the construction of buildings for a large media center.  - Changing Times (film)
  • However, in the shorter stage version the Headteacher commissions mr Briggs, the authoritarian Deputy Headmaster, to supervise the trip.  - Our Day Out
  • Miss Martin, the CEO of Tri-Oceanic Corp, hires geologist Steven Beck to supervise an undersea mining operation for six months.  - Leviathan (1989 film)
  • The Lords supervise the kinless and placate the Lordkin.  - The Burning City
  • CIA advisers arrive to supervise anti-insurgent activity and training.  - Che (2008 film)
  • Later, O'Neill visits Weir who tells him that she will supervise the Ancient outpost.  - New Order (Stargate SG-1)
  • Their fathers are engineers who supervise the maintenance of the Suez Canal.  - In Desert and Wilderness
  • The two countries appoint Lee and his former opponent Ulysses Grant to supervise these elections to ensure fairness.  - The Guns of the South
  • Lex and Alice, Tai-San's new bodyguard, supervise the security of the trading market that is installed in the mall.  - The Tribe (TV series)
  • Salim takes the last steamer before the President arrives at the town to supervise an execution of a yet-to-be-determined victim.  - A Bend in the River
  • The Blandings hire architect Simms (Reginald Denny) to design and supervise the construction of the new home.  - Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
  • Pepita goes along as company and to supervise the staff.  - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
  • Hisst assigns a stooge named Soltan Gris to supervise the mission to Earth, in order to sabotage it.  - Mission Earth (novel)
  • The next morning Robin is called away by her boss to Tahiti to supervise a fashion event.  - Six Days, Seven Nights
  • However, Percy refuses to leave until he is allowed to supervise an execution, so Paul hesitantly allows him to run Del's.  - The Green Mile (novel)

Meaning of "supervise" in English

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Meaning of "supervise" in Hindi

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