How to use "supper" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "supper" in popular movie and book plots

  • Rose brings him some supper and offers him an apology for lying about being healed by Isaac.  - S.O.S. (Lost)
  • Harker enjoys a lavish supper set by his host and asks the Count if he knows anyone in England.  - Dracula, the Musical
  • Wade is taken to Dan's ranch, where he tries to charm Dan's devoted wife Alice (Leora Dana) while she serves supper to the family and Wade.  - 3:10 to Yuma (1957 film)
  • A parson comes to supper as well.  - Our Hospitality
  • He was found ten minutes later on the floor of the supper room, stabbed through the heart with a table knife, his body strangely stiff.  - Poirot's Early Cases
  • The mother of the kittens tells them that they can have their supper now but when they run down, they see grade a milk and faints.  - The Milky Way (1940 film)
  • Quin commiserates with him and invites him to a supper party that night at a bohemian café called La Caveau, with candle light.  - The Mysterious Mr Quin
  • After a year in Paris, penniless, he calls Jacques, an older homosexual acquaintance, to meet him for supper so he can ask for money.  - Giovanni's Room
  • Jesus meets the disciples on the evening of Thursday, having supper one last time with them and after goes to pray at Gethsemane.  - King of Kings (1961 film)
  • After returning home and having supper in his room, Fyodor goes out to meet Zina in secret.  - The Gift (Nabokov novel)
  • Upon returning to his bedroom, Max discovers a hot supper waiting for him.  - Where the Wild Things Are
  • Scrooge's supper of gruel is interrupted by the ringing of bells before Marley appears as a ghost.  - Scrooge (1951 film)
  • On 26 October 1605, while sitting at supper at his house in Hoxton, London, he received a letter warning of the gunpowder plot.  - William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle
  • Mattie makes supper using Zeena's treasured pickle dish which she received as a wedding present.  - Ethan Frome
  • He then takes a nap in Baby Doll's crib, and is invited for supper at Baby Doll's request as a storm approaches.  - Baby Doll
  • Osgood invites Daphne for a champagne supper on his yacht.  - Some Like It Hot

Meaning of "supper" in English

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Meaning of "supper" in Hindi

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