How to use "surgeon" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "surgeon" in popular movie and book plots

  • Major Henry Kendall (William Holden), a regimental surgeon who is torn between duty and the horror of war, is constantly at odds with Marlowe.  - The Horse Soldiers
  • Howser is a second year resident surgeon at Eastman Medical Center in Los Angeles, and still lives at home with his parents.  - Doogie Howser, M.D.
  • The cutter bears dispatches for Aubrey and mail for the ship, and a Captain whose father was surgeon on the Surprise, eager to see her.  - Clarissa Oakes
  • Maturin sees his old friend Dr Geary, surgeon of The Three Graces merchantman, who offers to take Martin home.  - The Wine-Dark Sea
  • Just as the surgeon from the Norfolk, Dr Butcher, prepares to operate, Maturin wakes from his coma.  - The Far Side of the World
  • The prisoners kill their superintendent and surgeon during a storm, so their conditions are raised to meet naval standards.  - Desolation Island (novel)
  • She asks him to raise money for her to travel to America by selling the stolen clothes and acting as a surgeon in Juan's organ business.  - Dirty Pretty Things (film)
  • Andy considers taking a job as a surgeon in Chicago, but Harold and others in town persuade him to stay in Everwood.  - Everwood
  • Healy finds that she is an orthopedic surgeon living in Miami with her friend, Magda, and quickly falls in love with Mary as well.  - There's Something About Mary
  • Dr Penberthy, a former army surgeon and club member, who was the first to see the body, certified death by natural causes.  - The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
  • The trail leads to the teaching hospital near the architect's flat, and to surgeon and neurologist Sir Julian Freke, who is based there.  - Whose Body?
  • London Hospital surgeon Frederick Treves finds John Merrick in a Victorian freak show in London's East End, where he is kept by a mr Bytes.  - The Elephant Man (film)
  • She invites long-time rival Helen Sharp, an aspiring writer, backstage along with Helen's fiancé, plastic surgeon Ernest Menville.  - Death Becomes Her
  • Nick Cavanaugh is a lonely Atlanta surgeon obsessed with a woman named Helena.  - Boxing Helena
  • At the onset of the story, Sweetscent is the personal org-trans surgeon for Virgil Ackerman, the president of Tijuana Fur & Dye.  - Now Wait for Last Year
  • At a nearby inn, a surgeon informs Barry that the leg will need to be amputated below the knee if he is to survive.  - Barry Lyndon

Meaning of "surgeon" in English

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Meaning of "surgeon" in Hindi

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