How to use "surgery" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "surgery" in popular movie and book plots

  • There, he finds a weight losing serum and returns to England and opens a new surgery with Mrs Moore, much to the anger of Carver.  - Carry On Again Doctor
  • Roy pays for corrective surgery to allow Velma to walk normally, despite her grandfather's warning that Velma has a boyfriend back home.  - High Sierra (film)
  • The scene then shifts to the operating room, where the surgery is declared a success by the surgeon.  - A Matter of Life and Death (film)
  • He then reprograms the drones to perform surgery on his leg and sets the Valley Forge on a risky course through Saturn's rings.  - Silent Running
  • They find that Brooke was hiding because of bad plastic surgery she received.  - Thirteen (2003 film)
  • When Nick had surgery six months earlier, the Crofts suggested she make a will.  - Peril at End House
  • Kirk returns to sickbay for further care and finds Spock and Sarek both alert, the surgery an apparent success.  - Journey to Babel
  • McCoy conducts the surgery and nearly manages to do so within the three-hour time limit that the implanted knowledge lasts.  - Spock's Brain
  • A weakened Maturin performs surgery on himself using a mirror.  - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
  • Rhonda's cancer returns, necessitating more severe surgery and leaving her permanently paralyzed.  - Muriel's Wedding
  • He tries to persuade Ripley to undergo surgery to remove the Queen embryo, which he claims will be destroyed.  - Alien 3
  • In 1983, Flynt undergoes surgery to deaden several nerves in his back damaged by the bullet wounds, and as a result, feels rejuvenated.  - The People vs. Larry Flynt
  • When diagnostic tests confirm his suspicions, Judith agrees to surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor.  - Dark Victory
  • He finds what he wants in Harvey, who is on his way to perform brain surgery on the Governor-General of Shanghai.  - Shanghai Express (film)
  • There he encounters the horrific fruits of Deathshead's labors: creatures, malformed, and twisted through surgery and mechanical implants.  - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  • He underwent five hours of surgery to treat his wounds.  - Pope John Paul II

Meaning of "surgery" in English

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Meaning of "surgery" in Hindi

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