How to use "surprise" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "surprise" in popular movie and book plots

  • York is still ridiculed by some superiors for his beliefs, until he demonstrates his skill in firing his rifle to the surprise of all.  - Sergeant York (film)
  • He returns home for a surprise reunion with his family, but his wife Blanca faints.  - Verbena Tragica
  • The entire High Guard, including Captain Hunt, is caught by surprise in the first engagement of the Nietzschean uprising.  - Andromeda (TV series)
  • He overhears their plan for a surprise attack and that the Rock River Bridge is essential for their supply trains.  - The General (1926 film)
  • Harry heads to Helen's office the next day to surprise her for lunch, but overhears her talking on the phone to a man named Simon.  - True Lies
  • When they arrive on Ganymede, an unpleasant surprise awaits the newcomers.  - Farmer in the Sky
  • They decide to explore the attic connecting the houses, but take the wrong door and surprise Digory's Uncle Andrew in his study.  - The Magician's Nephew
  • Later that night, Frank Hallet makes a surprise visit.  - The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
  • While sailing, Tristam makes a surprise appearance.  - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
  • Harvey gets caught up in the Venusian war of independence when the station is captured by the colonials in a surprise raid.  - Between Planets
  • After the painting is unveiled at the party, they will surprise everyone and hopefully convince Chandler to hire John.  - Animal Crackers (1930 film)
  • They ride out to make a surprise raid on Calvera's camp, but find it abandoned.  - The Magnificent Seven
  • Maude's 80th birthday arrives and Harold throws a surprise party for her.  - Harold and Maude
  • Melanie is giving a surprise birthday party for Ashley.  - Gone with the Wind (novel)
  • capable of intelligent argument as well as physical endurance, somewhat to the surprise of his enemies".  - Guy Fawkes
  • The Imperial forces fall prey to a surprise attack by the Fremen.  - Vladimir Harkonnen

Meaning of "surprise" in English

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Meaning of "surprise" in Hindi

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