How to use "surreptitious" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "surreptitious" in popular movie and book plots

  • With the surreptitious aid of Don Sancho's daughter, Sancha (Tere Velázquez), Fernán González assembles an army to march against the Moors.  - The Castilian
  • A television reporter rents surveillance equipment for a story on the intrusion of surreptitious surveillance in peoples' private lives.  - Extreme Close-Up (film)
  • Ted discovers that the Captain has taken surreptitious measures that may poison a potential first contact with an alien species.  - Spindrift (novel)
  • Mahone thanks the gang at the warehouse for saving him and then makes a surreptitious call to Wyatt telling him that it is personal.  - Blow Out (Prison Break)
  • Billy is a member of a surreptitious group called the "Nothingheads," people who refuse to take the government-required drugs.  - Welcome to the Monkey House (short story)
  • Next morning, more bad news hits the family; Aunt Julia is found dead in her bed, poisoned by a surreptitious morning cup of tea.  - Police at the Funeral
  • Word is spread by surreptitious means, though the Stasi are watching closely.  - The Tunnel (2001 film)
  • With a surreptitious tricorder scan, Spock learns that Flint is over 6,000 years old.  - Requiem for Methuselah
  • Lady Neston has arranged the after-ballet party as a surreptitious audition, to introduce her niece to Lermontov.  - The Red Shoes (1948 film)

Meaning of "surreptitious" in English

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Meaning of "surreptitious" in Hindi

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