How to use "surveyor" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "surveyor" in popular movie and book plots

  • Reema (Niuma Mohamed), a happy-go-lucky girl while in her island for holidays meets Zaid (Lufshaan Shakeeb), a land surveyor from Male'.  - Sazaa (2011 film)
  • Will is a worthy young surveyor and Lucy feels honored to have his love, and returns it.  - The Girl of the Northern Woods
  • The charges against Quentin are dropped and he decides to go to Malaysia to be a surveyor under the Colombo Plan.  - The High Commissioner (novel)
  • She crash lands naked in a desert, but is found by a surveyor (Brisbane) who gives her some clothes.  - Epsilon (film)
  • Cataleya then goes to a Louisiana land surveyor and threatens him for the floor plans of Don Luis' mansion.  - Colombiana
  • Tom Andrews (Randolph Scott) is a surveyor involved in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which is stalled by the Rocky Mountains.  - Canadian Pacific (film)
  • When land surveyor (Ulrich Mühe) arrives at a small village that houses a castle, local authorities refuse to allow him to enter.  - The Castle (1997 Austrian film)
  • Oil surveyor Masud Khamil narrowly escapes an attack on his camp in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and flees with some valuable data.  - Burn Up (miniseries)
  • NASA successfully lands a robotic surveyor on Mars.  - The Day Mars Invaded Earth
  • The surveyor general, Miller, is sure Reavis has somehow doctored the documents.  - The Baron of Arizona
  • Blaine is aided by a group of men also working on the railroad: surveyor Tom Crosby, scout Noah Blaine, and rail crew leader Bart Eaton.  - Heroes of the West (1932 film)
  • Elmer is a surveyor for a railroad company, and the path of the new railroad goes directly over Bugs' current residence.  - The Unruly Hare
  • The film focuses on Ronald, a young boy who wants to become a builder or surveyor when he grows up.  - Building Sites Bite
  • They are nearly dead from dehydration and sunburn when discovered by an American surveyor and his Mexican companion.  - Mesa of Lost Women
  • George's patriarchal roots are traced to a British surveyor named George Poole who came to Rome in 1863.  - Coalescent
  • When seeking shelter at the town inn, he claims to be a land surveyor summoned by the castle authorities.  - The Castle (novel)

Meaning of "surveyor" in English

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Meaning of "surveyor" in Hindi

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