How to use "susceptible" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "susceptible" in popular movie and book plots

  • Bronwen is particularly susceptible to the atmosphere of the place, and shows unexpected knowledge about its construction.  - Nordy Bank (novel)
  • "Georgie" Miles, a suspect who is susceptible to a pretty face, to learn more about him.  - What the Butler Saw (The Avengers)
  • A nearby gas leak ignites, causing an explosion which knocks out Jack's wrist device, leaving him susceptible to indoctrination.  - Everyone Says Hello
  • Before long, the susceptible Catherine falls headlong in love with him.  - Washington Square (film)
  • Nebu’s wound from the bullet continuously weakens him, making him more susceptible to attack from the leopard.  - The Leopard (Reid novel)
  • Vampires do not age or die from natural causes, but are susceptible to sunlight or any ultraviolet light.  - Daybreakers
  • He explains that the faithless are more susceptible to greater forces.  - Premonition (2007 film)
  • At the end of each stage, Riki must confront the stage's boss, each being susceptible to only one type of attack.  - Black Belt (video game)
  • They are given a neural serum to keep their minds susceptible and their previous memories suppressed.  - Universal Soldier (1992 film)
  • says that the slugs have incubated in his brain, but he has discovered that they are susceptible to heat.  - Night of the Creeps
  • mr Olin pleads with Enslin to reconsider, believing that a skeptic such as he is even more susceptible to the room's curse.  - 1408 (short story)
  • As Hordika, they cannot use their Mask or elemental powers and they are much more susceptible to their more bestial natures.  - Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows
  • A minority of the population are not susceptible to the broadcasts.  - Prisoners of Power
  • However, Kaori is very susceptible and jealous, often hitting Ryô with a giant hammer when he does something perverted.  - City Hunter
  • Frances tells her she is glad she is no longer young and susceptible to romance.  - Three Coins in the Fountain (film)
  • While noble in name, the Beoulve family is susceptible to corruption, due to ambition.  - Final Fantasy Tactics

Meaning of "susceptible" in English

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Meaning of "susceptible" in Hindi

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