How to use "suspect" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suspect" in popular movie and book plots

  • Ferris leaps into his bed at the last second, ensuring his parents don't suspect a thing.  - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Reading a book about vampires that he took from the local inn, Hutter starts to suspect that Orlok is Nosferatu, the "Bird of Death".  - Nosferatu
  • However, Valentine is the prime suspect in her father's eyes in the deaths of the Saint-Mérans and Noirtier's servant, Barrois.  - The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Returning home, they are alarmed to find their cottage clean and suspect that an intruder has invaded their home.  - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)
  • News breaks that an alternative suspect was chased by police and killed by an airplane propeller; it is assumed that he was the murderer.  - Shadow of a Doubt
  • This and other details lead Lina to suspect he was responsible for Beaky's death.  - Suspicion (1941 film)
  • When his phone rings, Jeff assumes it is Doyle, and says that the suspect has left the apartment.  - Rear Window
  • Keyes does not suspect foul play at first, but his instincts, to which he refers as the "little man", pointing to his stomach, starts nagging.  - Double Indemnity (film)
  • Quinlan's and Menzies' prime suspect is Sanchez, a young Mexican secretly married to the victim's daughter (Joanna Moore).  - Touch of Evil
  • The police suspect Spade in the shootings because he was bedding Archer's wife Iva.  - The Maltese Falcon (novel)
  • The novel follows Baley and Olivaw as Baley begins to suspect Olivaw but is proved wrong twice.  - The Caves of Steel
  • The press are informed that Taverner is a suspect in the case and, wishing to clear his name, Taverner surrenders himself to the police.  - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
  • The 'Starmen inform Kathy of her husband's new position with Molinari and suspect the latter's possible defection to the reegs.  - Now Wait for Last Year
  • His attentions lead Elinor and Mrs Dashwood to suspect that the couple are secretly engaged.  - Sense and Sensibility
  • She catches a glimpse of the killer, therefore becoming both the prime suspect and the killer's next target.  - Dressed to Kill (1980 film)
  • The Prussians suspect he is a spy and send Barry as an undercover agent to verify this.  - Barry Lyndon

Meaning of "suspect" in English

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Meaning of "suspect" in Hindi

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