How to use "suspend" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suspend" in popular movie and book plots

  • The board then decide to suspend DJ for not disclosing his criminal record.  - Stomp the Yard
  • Eventually, the aliens reveal that they wish to suspend letters in Jupiter's atmosphere as an advertising slogan (ie.  - Buy Jupiter
  • On the other hand, Sergeant Kayama's announcement to suspend Ken is a trap to lure out the real traitor.  - The Wicked City (1992 film)
  • Atvar is willing to suspend hostilities with Germany, the Soviet Union, America, Britain, and Japan.  - Worldwar: Striking the Balance
  • Principal James wants to suspend them both, but agrees to give them extra detention instead.  - Take the Lead
  • As a result, the women's council decides to suspend the drug treatment program on their males.  - Planet Earth (film)
  • Tinker then drags in the badly injured Ryan, whom he and Tex suspend upside-down with a pair of meat hooks.  - Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
  • Leif decides to suspend operations until further notice because of the increased police interest in the case.  - The Hunters (1996 film)
  • They cannot fire or suspend the notorious inspector because, as the police commissioner admits, his "unconventional methods.  - Sudden Impact
  • Mauser is ready to suspend them, but Mahoney makes a passionate plea that convinces Lassard to give them another chance.  - Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment
  • The elitist members of Bushwood reject Jack's membership application and pull strings to suspend his housing operation.  - Caddyshack II
  • With the authorities taking a dim view of Potter's poor attitude towards fire and suspend his licence.  - Phoenix Nights
  • She has also lost her flying ability and is forced to suspend her delivery business.  - Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Meanwhile, Neville realizes he can no longer afford the search for Molly and Daisy and decides to suspend the pursuit.  - Rabbit-Proof Fence (film)
  • Due to his imminent departure, he and Sarah must suspend their relationship.  - The Jewel in the Crown (TV series)
  • After Wayne's funeral, it is revealed that his death was staged using his own chemical concoction that can suspend his vital life signs.  - The Dark Knight Returns

Meaning of "suspend" in English

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Meaning of "suspend" in Hindi

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