How to use "suspension" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suspension" in popular movie and book plots

  • Sayid, Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox), and Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan) eventually catch up with him at a suspension bridge.  - Numbers (Lost)
  • Parkman then informs Lou that the suspension is moot as he has been traded to the White Sox.  - Major League II
  • When the prosecutor announces the same initial speech intended by the defense lawyer, the latter calls for a suspension in proceedings.  - Asterix and the Laurel Wreath
  • Nick faces suspension from the dangerous tactic taken to save the woman's life.  - Reaper (novel)
  • While sulking in an empty restaurant, Clark hears a commotion as a suspension bridge across town inexplicably blows up.  - Superman: Birthright
  • Davros is placed in cryogenic suspension and taken to Earth to stand trial for his crimes.  - Destiny of the Daleks
  • The next morning, Thomas is sent to collect an iron beam for the suspension bridge from Brendam Docks.  - Calling All Engines!
  • While Harry and the Doctor explore, Sarah is transported away and placed into cryonic suspension by the station computer.  - The Ark in Space
  • Save for sampling Marsh Minnows offered by Sil in Mindwarp, he does not consume animal tissue before the suspension of the series in 1989.  - The Two Doctors
  • After a fatal car accident on Earth, Herb Asher is placed into cryonic suspension as he waits for a spleen replacement.  - The Divine Invasion
  • The speech rallies the students to a standing ovation, but her subversive diatribe results in her getting a suspension from school.  - Election (1999 film)
  • Aubrey requests suspension from the Navy List, and is put on loan to the hydrographic office.  - The Yellow Admiral
  • Uchiyama lifts his suspension and begins to work with Elliot on improving his play.  - Mr. Baseball
  • The trucker, hauling artichokes, drops him off at the end of a suspension bridge leading across the river to Bellona.  - Dhalgren
  • A goddess using her powers during suspension will have her license permanently revoked.  - Oh My Goddess!
  • Marcus is placed into indefinite cryonic suspension at her request, pending resuscitation technology.  - Babylon 5

Meaning of "suspension" in English

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Meaning of "suspension" in Hindi

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