How to use "suspicion" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suspicion" in popular movie and book plots

  • Liquid confirms Snake's suspicion that they are twin brothers.  - Metal Gear Solid
  • The others steal weapons while posing as telephone repairmen, speaking in Irish accents to divert suspicion to the IRA.  - The League of Gentlemen (film)
  • Pig Bodine and Roony Winsome get into a fight, based on Roony's suspicion that Pig is involved with his (Roony's) wife, Mafia.  - V.
  • When he is informed that the victim was scheduled to testify in a lawsuit, his suspicion slowly turns into conviction.  - Affliction (film)
  • The peculiar nature of Casaubon's will leads to suspicion that Ladislaw and Dorothea are lovers, creating an awkwardness between the two.  - Middlemarch
  • The receptionist seems to recognize him, but he deflects suspicion by claiming to have spent the war serving on the Eastern Front.  - Deaths-Head Revisited
  • In 1911, while living in Kiev without official papers, Bok is arrested on suspicion of murder when a Christian boy is killed during Passover.  - The Fixer (novel)
  • This creates a mutual suspicion among the stranded travelers, as they try to guess which among them is the alien.  - Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?
  • After Wayne admits spying on her due to his suspicion of Bobby's ulterior motives, Cassandra breaks up with him and becomes engaged to Bobby.  - Wayne's World 2
  • Terrified, Charlie attempts to deflect suspicion onto Tommy.  - The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
  • His suspicion is compounded when Lanser cannot provide details of his life and does not have his passport on hand to verify his identity.  - Judgment Night (The Twilight Zone)
  • When Susie wakes up, she sees Grandi's body, screams for help, and is arrested on suspicion of murder.  - Touch of Evil
  • Thus Walsingham established a new line of communication, one which he could carefully control without incurring any suspicion from Mary.  - Babington Plot
  • Barrymore arouses further suspicion when Watson and Sir Henry catch him at night with a candle in an empty room.  - The Hound of the Baskervilles
  • The mention of Percy's name aroused further suspicion as he was already known to the authorities as a Catholic agitator.  - Gunpowder Plot
  • The attacks build to a crisis, and the college community of students, dons and servants is almost torn apart by suspicion and fear.  - Gaudy Night

Meaning of "suspicion" in English

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Meaning of "suspicion" in Hindi

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