How to use "swallow" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "swallow" in popular movie and book plots

  • The Machida hole is getting bigger and in two years will swallow Tokyo.  - Tokko (manga)
  • Gauri, meanwhile, is so distraught over Baiju's departure that she is about to swallow poison.  - Baiju Bawra (film)
  • Back at the hatch, after Jack brings down Sawyer's temperature using the hatch's shower, he tries to get Sawyer to swallow medication.  - Collision (Lost)
  • But, upon drinking a swallow of the champagne, the Sarge instantly goes into violent convulsions and falls down dead.  - $ (film)
  • Poor but good-hearted younger brother Heungbu cares for a swallow's broken leg, and the swallow repays Heungbu's kindness.  - Heungbuga
  • Caught in the act, he tells them that the Master faked his illness, and Dass showed him how to swallow his tongue and fake death.  - The Master of Ballantrae
  • At the last minute, Thumbelina escapes the situation by fleeing to a far land with a swallow she nursed back to health during the winter.  - Thumbelina
  • The party find three small floating spheres in the middle of the room; a mysterious voice commands them to swallow the spheres.  - Blue Dragon
  • The movie ended when Sai-Yuk spat his poisoned blood in Manchu leader mouth making him swallow the poison instead.  - Disciples of the 36th Chamber
  • After Narda hears the message, the word "Darna" appears in the white stone and she is instructed to swallow it and yell "Darna".  - Darna (2005 TV series)
  • Axonn arrives and begins to go after the two Piraka, but Jaller tells him to swallow his pride and let others help, to which Axonn agrees.  - Bionicle Legends
  • Godzilla breaks free and sets Orga aflame, but Orga reemerges and attempts to swallow Godzilla whole.  - Godzilla 2000
  • Bobbo tells her about a swallow ornament that "cannot fly south," a primitive compass.  - Mariel of Redwall
  • Bob advises Bud to swallow his pride and make up with Sissy.  - Urban Cowboy
  • Using threats of torture, KGB officers force Daryl to swallow a tracking device, then release him to rejoin the guerrillas.  - Red Dawn
  • While recovering in hospital, Julie attempts suicide by overdose, but cannot swallow the pills.  - Three Colors: Blue

Meaning of "swallow" in English

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Meaning of "swallow" in Hindi

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