How to use "swamp" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "swamp" in popular movie and book plots

  • Ari and the Guardians followed her into the swamp where she and her banshee sisters live and fought them to bring Maqi back.  - W.I.T.C.H.
  • Their surveillance of boats coming in from Cuba leads them to a Ku Klux Klan meeting and drug drop in a swamp docks outside Miami.  - Bad Boys II
  • En route, Lila is menaced in a swamp by a band of mindless vampires who haunt the woods and town.  - Lemora
  • Though Jack deals with the swamp hag Meg Mucklebones (Robert Picardo), he and his group fall into a pit trap that takes them to dungeon.  - Legend (1985 film)
  • Shrek returns home to the swamp with Fiona, becoming the parents of ogre triplets.  - Shrek the Third
  • The rest of the rescue party come across a swamp where actor Bruce Baxter and two others leave the group.  - King Kong (2005 film)
  • They dispose of Bobby's body in the swamp and flee.  - Bully (2001 film)
  • Edward follows a path through a swamp and discovers the secret town of Spectre, the cheery locals claiming he was expected.  - Big Fish
  • Vimes begins investigating the dragon's appearances, which leads to an acquaintance with Sybil Ramkin, a breeder of swamp dragons.  - Guards! Guards!
  • He vows to drain the swamp by himself, and leaves the court with Mathilde.  - Ridicule
  • Charlie runs off into the swamp to hide but is spotted by Laroche.  - Adaptation (film)
  • She kisses him, and Jareth magically sends them to the swamp of the Bog of Eternal Stench as punishment, where they reunite with Ludo.  - Labyrinth (film)
  • She advises Cullen to go through the swamp to reach the railroad tracks, while she and Joker drive off in her car.  - The Defiant Ones
  • Felix Hoenikker's reason to create this substance was to aid in the military's plight of wading through mud and swamp areas while fighting.  - Cat's Cradle
  • Luke, meanwhile, escapes with R2-D2 in his X-wing fighter and crash-lands on the swamp planet Dagobah.  - The Empire Strikes Back
  • They leave the swamp to rush to "a coffee joint about ten miles back".  - Bride of the Monster

Meaning of "swamp" in English

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Meaning of "swamp" in Hindi

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