How to use "sweatshop" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sweatshop" in popular movie and book plots

  • It states: "Bella is an immigrant girl doing sweatshop work in the ghetto of a great city.  - The Girls of the Ghetto
  • However, almost all of them die while asleep in the basement of their sweatshop due to malfunctioning gas heaters installed by Uxbal.  - Biutiful
  • Louise (Pickford) is a sewing-machine girl in a sweatshop in New York City.  - The Eternal Grind
  • is helping to shepherd a fashion-company buyout at Grace's bank, with a company that exploits sweatshop works.  - Falling for Grace
  • Ruth is a young orphan girl working in a respectable sweatshop for the overworked Mrs Mason.  - Ruth (novel)
  • Madeline is led to a sweatshop in the basement, full of kidnapped orphan girls who are forced into making laces to sell.  - Madeline: Lost in Paris
  • To get revenge Dino calls the union on Carmine's sweatshop and also has some of his men ransack trucks containing Carmine's merchandise.  - Cookie (film)
  • Setting out to prove her worth, Epifania takes 35 shillings and heads for a sweatshop pasta factory.  - The Millionairess
  • She begins working in a sweatshop making clothes, but the officials raid that site, too.  - Dirty Pretty Things (film)

Meaning of "sweatshop" in English

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Meaning of "sweatshop" in Hindi

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