How to use "sweet" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sweet" in popular movie and book plots

  • Billy bids farewell to his sweet hometown girlfriend, Strawberry Fields (Sandy Farina).  - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (film)
  • Marge explains to him that he is sweet enough a man to be loved by someone else, if only he is willing to make a few, minor changes.  - Mommie Beerest
  • The once very close and sweet relationship between mother and daughter turns into an emotional struggle.  - Blueprint (film)
  • It is very dark when they reach Joyce's house and Arthur can hear the sweet sound of his daughters voice helping out of the carriage.  - The Snake's Pass
  • Under the Phoenix's direction, the children prepare an altar with sweet incense, upon which the Phoenix immolates himself.  - The Phoenix and the Carpet
  • While surveying, Captain Kirk notices a sweet honey smell and has his men go on alert.  - Obsession (Star Trek: The Original Series)
  • Flax"), and her sweet nine-year-old sister, Kate.  - Mermaids (1990 film)
  • She is sweet and soft-spoken, and a college drop out.  - Heavy (film)
  • However, Justine was sweet and virtuous.  - Justine (de Sade novel)
  • Lady Denham lives with her poor niece Clara Brereton, who is a sweet and beautiful, yet impoverished, young lady.  - Sanditon
  • And our life will grow peaceful, tender, sweet as a caress….  - Uncle Vanya
  • Millie befriends the sweet yet naive Miss Dorothy Brown (Mary Tyler Moore) as the latter checks into the Priscilla Hotel.  - Thoroughly Modern Millie
  • The villagers distill a potent sweet potato brandy in a matter of days which finds a ready market in the American army.  - The Teahouse of the August Moon (film)
  • Thirteen-year-old Tracy Freeland begins her school year as a smart and sweet honor student at a middle school in Los Angeles.  - Thirteen (2003 film)
  • Lisa agrees to keep herself hidden from him, but realizes that Gary and Wyatt, while extremely sweet are very uptight and need to unwind.  - Weird Science (film)
  • Though Ann trusts Jeff implicitly, her parents are wary of him, as is Jim, a local police officer who has been sweet on Ann since childhood.  - Out of the Past

Meaning of "sweet" in English

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Meaning of "sweet" in Hindi

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