How to use "swell" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "swell" in popular movie and book plots

  • Rumours are beginning to swell about the "Oathed Brotherhood," a group of peasant leaders who intend to rise up against the nobility.  - Anno Domini 1573
  • Teddy's therapy caused his brain to swell just enough to plug the opening, cutting off his CSF.  - The Choice (House)
  • However, Vince's lymph nodes swell up.  - Epic Fail (House)
  • Jim saves him just in time, but at the cost of his own life, leaving friends and relatives remembering him as "a swell guy".  - Swell Guy
  • The surfers conquer enormous sixty foot waves - the biggest swell to have been ridden off the Irish Atlantic Coast.  - Waveriders
  • Panor uses her magic to cause Pen's foetus to swell up and explode out of her body.  - Art of the Devil 3
  • As a result, all three of Tom's right toes swell red and Tom is left to clutch his foot and hop around in pain.  - O-Solar Meow
  • She tells the nurse in the hospital that the damage to his throat never fully heals, and every so often his throat will begin to swell shut.  - A Worn Path
  • Julie acknowledges, "That's a swell finish", and the two embrace.  - I Cover the Waterfront
  • With no means of birth control, the Quintaglio population begins to swell eightfold as a result.  - Fossil Hunter
  • Back in the studio, the group begins to unravel, internal bickering starts to swell and they just can't seem to cut their follow-up hit.  - Blast-Off Girls
  • The rapidly rising swell carried the man away.  - The Perfect Storm (film)
  • The narrative picks up four years later, with Kira attracting a large network of contacts and a swell of public support.  - Death Note
  • The shot, however, causes Bart's earholes to swell shut, making him temporarily deaf.  - Bart-Mangled Banner
  • Gossip about her begins to swell and soon is accepted as statements of fact.  - Evil Angels (film)
  • During the battle, a squad led by Sergeant Keck hides behind a swell safe from enemy fire to wait for reinforcements.  - The Thin Red Line (1998 film)

Meaning of "swell" in English

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Meaning of "swell" in Hindi

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