How to use "swerve" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "swerve" in popular movie and book plots

  • The transport vehicle is forced to swerve off road to avoid a chasm in the road.  - Silent Hill: Downpour
  • He trips as he steps over a curb, causing a cyclist to swerve into the path of an oncoming van.  - The Rite (2011 film)
  • Jimmy manages to swerve and drives off while the Viperox chase after them.  - Dreamland (Doctor Who)
  • Just as he realizes this and sees another omen, the scaffolding outside collapses causing a truck to swerve and crash into the coffee shop.  - The Final Destination
  • Steed and Mrs Peel swerve to avoid a dog and crash into a tree.  - The Hour That Never Was
  • Fearing a collision, Harris is forced to swerve into a lake and it is apparent that both men drown.  - Treble Cross
  • She also sent an elf dressed as a deer into the middle of the road, causing them to swerve into a ditch.  - Once Upon a Christmas (film)
  • You swerve to the right to avoid the ghostly shape and end up buried in the nearby pond.  - Amber: Journeys Beyond
  • The terrorists swerve away, driving off the bridge.  - The Cat and the Claw
  • They swerve and miss hitting Paula's dad.  - Cutting Class
  • While walking across the street, they cause a trucker to swerve violently and smash into the gas station, killing all thirteen Bloods inside.  - Krazy Kripples
  • The driver attempts to swerve out of the way, but loses control and overturns and the tanker explodes, causing a massive fire.  - Asteroid (film)
  • He retrieves an unbroken firebomb and throws it at the attackers' car, causing the punks to swerve and drive into the bay.  - Sudden Impact
  • The survivors' vehicle suffers a blowout, prompting them to swerve onto a farm.  - Final Destination 2
  • The brothers later accidentally swerve their vehicle into a monster truck rally, where it is destroyed.  - Rat Race (film)
  • The distressed driver, who barely manages to swerve out of the way, reports that Billy said someone told him to do it.  - Long Distance Call

Meaning of "swerve" in English

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Meaning of "swerve" in Hindi

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