How to use "swim" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "swim" in popular movie and book plots

  • After Lefty subjects Jake to a kind of Socialist catechism, they go for a walk, and all but Dave have a swim in the Thames.  - Under the Net
  • Suzy and Sara go for a night-time swim and Sara reveals that Pat had been "talking strangely for some time".  - Suspiria
  • They swim along the ocean floor, while Madison shows Allen how beautiful life in the ocean is.  - Splash (film)
  • In despair, Marlin leaves Dory and begins to swim home.  - Finding Nemo
  • Attracted by a lovely golden naked woman whom they call Nova, they swim below a scenic waterfall.  - Planet of the Apes (novel)
  • As the group makes their way through the damaged ship, they swim through a flooded kitchen.  - Alien: Resurrection
  • They swim in a stream, and the two men have sex with the girls for several hours.  - Fanny Hill
  • The Portuguese pilot, Rodrigues, repays his debt to Blackthorne by having him thrown overboard to swim back to Toranaga's ship.  - Shōgun (novel)
  • Later, an attempted assassination by triggering a landslide nearly kills Bond and Brand, as they swim beneath the Dover cliffs.  - Moonraker (novel)
  • He sits at the bar contemplating varieties of liquor while listening to Hugh and Yvonne banter as they swim nearby.  - Under the Volcano
  • Karel and Raoul try to swim across a river to escape from two UNRRA men.  - The Search
  • Ann dives in to save him, and they swim away together away from the agents, finally sharing a kiss as they sit shivering on the riverbank.  - Roman Holiday
  • Pinocchio is washed ashore when he tries to swim to his father.  - The Adventures of Pinocchio
  • " The boys jump out of the boat and swim away while the Invisible Man laughs.  - Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
  • The night before the wedding, Tracy gets drunk for only the second time in her life and takes an innocent midnight swim with Mike.  - The Philadelphia Story (film)
  • After an underwater battle, only King Kong resurfaces and begins to swim towards his island home.  - King Kong vs. Godzilla

Meaning of "swim" in English

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Meaning of "swim" in Hindi

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