How to use "swindler" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "swindler" in popular movie and book plots

  • Getting hungry he accepts a meal provided by swindler Emanuel (André Lacombe) and his likewise rogue wife Theresa (Reine Barteve).  - Silas (TV series)
  • This swindler calls up his "best team": Mouloud Mami and Donatello Pirelli - who as workers are both perfectly incompetent.  - La Maison du Bonheur
  • An international swindler who has possession of a priceless "rose pearl" takes passage on a steamship and Raffles does likewise.  - Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman
  • A swindler and thief, Judge Higgins, steals a map to a gold mine belonging to Quentin Bartlett, an actor who is among the ship's passengers.  - The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin
  • The Sailor starts his story- depicted in colored film- he is offered a job by a local swindler known as the blind man.  - Three Crowns of the Sailor
  • With swindler and blackmailer Yaryzhka (Sergei Gerasimov) he finds a functionary who is willing to take the money.  - The Overcoat (1926 film)
  • A chain store company wants to buy her store for more than market value while a swindler also wants to buy it for next to nothing.  - Helping Grandma
  • Attempting suicide, sultry but down-on-her-luck swindler Liz (Nadia Townsend) is rescued by lonely tow truck driver Aiden (Bernard Curry).  - Puppy (film)
  • When he grows up, he becomes a swindler to avenge his family.  - Kurosagi (film)
  • Cleanthes, a swindler and pretended duke, has wooed the imperious Queen Aegiale, who rewards his temerity by banishing him.  - The Blind Beggar of Alexandria
  • mr Merdle ends his own life, his suicide note revealing that he was a swindler who had ruined thousands of investors.  - Little Dorrit (TV series)
  • Candy's talking to complete strangers leads her into the clutches of swindler Richard "Rick" Brannon (Patric Knowles).  - Isn't It Romantic? (film)
  • She scolds him for being a swindler and a gambler; in his response, he explains his life story.  - Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
  • The main antagonist of the series is the swindler Raffish Ralph, and occasionally Weasel McGreed, seen in six episodes.  - The Berenstain Bears (1985 TV series)
  • He gets in touch with Rantaine, a swindler who had stolen a large sum of money from Mess Lethierry many years ago.  - Toilers of the Sea
  • Making his way across the island, Snake meets "Map to the Stars" Eddie, a swindler who sells interactive tours ofA.  - Escape from L.A.

Meaning of "swindler" in English

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Meaning of "swindler" in Hindi

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