How to use "sword" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sword" in popular movie and book plots

  • Frost attacks Jinx, forcing her to defend herself in a sword duel.  - Die Another Day
  • They then sword fight until one duelist wins by knocking away the opponent's rose with his or her blade.  - Revolutionary Girl Utena
  • Shortly afterward, Oedipus enters in a fury, calling on his servants to bring him a sword so that he might cut out his mother's womb.  - Oedipus Rex
  • Henry turns and continues to fight the Constable, who sheaths his sword in favour of a mace.  - Henry V (1944 film)
  • Pyramus kills himself, falling on his sword in proper Babylonian fashion, and in turn splashing blood on the white mulberry leaves.  - Pyramus and Thisbe
  • The Pirate Lieutenant sneers, and says there is more to being a pirate than sword tricks.  - The Black Pirate
  • John manages to break free and kills every henchman before decapitating Screwface in a sword fight.  - Marked for Death
  • He goads Kate, a blacksmith, to repair it without payment and goes on to win the sword event at the tournament.  - A Knight's Tale
  • Just as the Witch-King raises his sword to strike the wizard, the horns of Rohan can be heard coming to the aid of Gondor.  - The Return of the King
  • She is already skilled in fighting, having been taught martial arts, sword fighting, and archery by the time she enlists in the army.  - Hua Mulan
  • Realizing he is powerless to defeat Julius, the Hero learns from Cibba about a powerful sword called Excalibur.  - Final Fantasy Adventure
  • Lan Mandragoran instructs Rand in sword fighting.  - The Great Hunt
  • A sword fight ensues with Arthur gaining the upper hand, but the Black Knight continues fighting despite having his arms and legs severed.  - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • His early years were, according to a Catholic source, marked by a tendency to rely on "his sword and personal courage".  - Gunpowder Plot
  • Continuing his adventure, he obtains and cleanses the corrupted Masamune sword from Chrono Trigger.  - Chrono Cross
  • He hid with a sword and waited until a large black creature crawled onto his niece's bed and to her neck.  - Carmilla

Meaning of "sword" in English

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Meaning of "sword" in Hindi

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