How to use "symbolic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "symbolic" in popular movie and book plots

  • In another symbolic case, the bald eagle - the symbol of America - is on the verge on extinction.  - A Planet for the President
  • Menachem agrees with Rabbi Meltzer's plan in principle, regarding the group's activities as more symbolic than anything else.  - Time of Favor
  • Billy found the hat used as a symbolic scalp of the troublesome witch.  - The Blessing Way
  • Asuru emphasizes the Ghuri tradition of honoring ancestors through wearing symbolic clothing and working for human rights.  - Superman: Birthright
  • Artorius takes Regina as his wife for symbolic and moral reasons.  - Coalescent
  • "Fauvel" comes from the color of its coat, which is "muddy beige" (or fallow-colored) and symbolic of Vanity.  - Roman de Fauvel
  • As rank eight led to hereditary nobility, being a titular councillor is symbolic of a low-level bureaucrat still struggling to succeed.  - The Double (Dostoyevsky novel)
  • Partly as a symbolic measure, the daughter plants a lock of her now cut hair in a flowerpot.  - Osama (film)
  • The fence is also symbolic of the emotional barrier that Troy erected between himself and his sons, one from each of his adult relationships.  - Fences (play)
  • In a highly symbolic scene near the end of the novel, she discovers the "nun's" habit in her bed and destroys it.  - Villette (novel)
  • Simon accepts the Hongbao from Wai-Tung's father, a symbolic admission of their relationship.  - The Wedding Banquet
  • Their union is not meant to be personal, but rather a symbolic wedding between the future high king and the land he is to defend.  - The Mists of Avalon
  • A station model is a symbolic illustration showing the weather occurring at a given reporting station.  - Weather map
  • They have become friends and exchange symbolic gifts.  - Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo
  • Besides, the number 12 is of symbolic importance in the Kabbalah which, according to Lowry, represents "man's spiritual aspirations".  - Under the Volcano
  • Seth decides to become human through the symbolic gesture of jumping from the top of a skyscraper.  - City of Angels (film)

Meaning of "symbolic" in English

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Meaning of "symbolic" in Hindi

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