How to use "sympathy" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sympathy" in popular movie and book plots

  • This arouses the sympathy of Bella Wilfer, and she stands up for Rokesmith when Mr Boffin dismisses him for aspiring to marry her.  - Our Mutual Friend
  • At this, both Jesse and Leslie develop sympathy for—and Leslie even the beginnings of a friendship with—Janice.  - Bridge to Terabithia (novel)
  • Spock admits to feeling sympathy for Mitchell too, and Kirk comments that he believes there's still hope for him yet.  - Where No Man Has Gone Before
  • Benwick is in mourning for the death of his fiancée, Captain Harville's sister, and he appreciates Anne's sympathy and understanding.  - Persuasion (novel)
  • Divine and Crackers find Channing locked away, but they have no sympathy for him.  - Pink Flamingos
  • The perceived prejudice contributes to Roedel's sympathy to the plight faced by Holt, a former slave coping with racism.  - Ride with the Devil (film)
  • Timothy Mouse, who feels sympathy for Dumbo and becomes determined to make him happy again, appoints himself as Dumbo's mentor and protector.  - Dumbo
  • On hearing this, Colonel Brandon offers Edward the parish on his estate, feeling sympathy for the unfortunate but honorable Edward.  - Sense and Sensibility (film)
  • Rita takes sympathy and they spend the entirety of one loop together, ending up falling asleep on Phil's bed that night.  - Groundhog Day (film)
  • They kill Jameson, despite his attempt to assure them he has no sympathy with the San Pablo rescue mission.  - The Sand Pebbles (film)
  • An angry Juror 3 accuses Juror 5, who grew up in a slum, of changing his vote out of sympathy towards slum children.  - 12 Angry Men (1957 film)
  • With this cover story Powell retains the trust and sympathy of the townsfolk.  - The Night of the Hunter (film)
  • He elicits sympathy by posing as the fiancé of a young woman at the college who died in a recent kiln explosion.  - Animal House
  • Beckert is given a "lawyer", who gamely argues in his defense but fails to win any sympathy from the improvised "jury".  - M (1931 film)
  • Emma begins to feel some sympathy for Jane's predicament.  - Emma (novel)
  • In prison, Toad gains the sympathy of the gaoler's daughter, who helps him to escape disguised as a washerwoman.  - The Wind in the Willows

Meaning of "sympathy" in English

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Meaning of "sympathy" in Hindi

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