How to use "tableau" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tableau" in popular movie and book plots

  • ” All parties embrace, and “so ends the tableau and this history.  - Old Maidism Versus Marriage
  • Captain Banning comes upon the tableau and manages to get Devon free.  - Brake (Anderson)
  • They leave signs of the Apocalypse including the Alpha and Omega or the Four Horsemen as a cryptic tableau at each crime scene.  - Dexter (season 6)
  • Their final death tableau forms the Pietà position.  - Den (film)
  • He is accompanied by the old master Frenhofer who comments expertly on the large tableau that Porbus has just finished.  - Le Chef-d'œuvre inconnu
  • The film crew is meanwhile recruiting factory workers as extras for the series of tableau that Jerzy is shooting.  - Passion (1982 film)
  • A grisly tableau around the body, consisting of crows impaled on arrows, indicates the work of a serial killer.  - Still Life with Crows
  • Elaine and Jerry visit the clothing store and find the "Elaine" mannequin posed in a spanking tableau with another mannequin.  - The Pie
  • The final tableau vivant (96–98) depicts Ruth sitting, "relaxed in her chair," as if on a throne.  - The Homecoming
  • Rethrick is waiting there, holding them at gunpoint, the same tableau from the machine.  - Paycheck (film)
  • Sarah dies in Ashe's arms, a tableau reminiscent of a painting she had completed earlier in the film.  - The Crow: City of Angels
  • The feud is ended, with the children and the fathers joined in a picturesque final tableau ("Happy Ending").  - The Fantasticks

Meaning of "tableau" in English

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Meaning of "tableau" in Hindi

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