How to use "tandem" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tandem" in popular movie and book plots

  • Personal betrayal pushes him to travel to Honduras and directly confront land issues in tandem with his educational mission.  - Garifuna in Peril
  • The game is broken up into two solo campaigns that largely run in tandem with each other.  - The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile
  • He steals a tandem bike and disappears off into the night.  - Pirates of the Great Salt Lake
  • The story unfolds in tandem with that of Toru’s friend, Koji, who also falls in love with a married woman.  - Tokyo Tower (film)
  • Bharat decides to work undercover, and working covertly in tandem with the Police Commissioner, he officially resigns from the police force.  - Kotwal Saab
  • Alex Boy finds in Alex Girl the perfect partner for a tandem cycling competition he wants to join.  - I've Fallen for You
  • The cats then attempt to use a tandem bicycle to get into the house.  - Scat Cats
  • Bugs tries to escape on a bicycle, but it turns out to be a tandem with the Wolf in the second seat.  - The Windblown Hare
  • On the commercially released DVD (approx 83 minutes running time), the outtakes section runs in tandem with the credits for around 5 minutes.  - Hacks (2002 film)
  • They have a series of bizarre reverse incidences such as "un stealing" a tandem and "un hitching" a lift.  - Backwards (Red Dwarf)
  • Stan and Ollie escape the ensuing row dressed as a wildebeest on a stolen tandem bicycle.  - Another Fine Mess
  • The Goodies attempt to ride to Rome on their wooden tandem, but they have trouble with the tandem so they travel to Rome on foot, instead.  - Rome Antics
  • The platoon, the Vicar and the Verger follow it in the van, while Hodges borrows a tricycle from Mr Blewitt, and a tandem from a young couple.  - The Day the Balloon Went Up
  • Homer purchases a dumbbell while Marge gets a tandem bicycle.  - Marge's Son Poisoning
  • Errol launches a war against Haven City in tandem with the remaining Metal Head monsters, and later forges an alliance with the Dark Makers.  - Jak 3
  • Ultimately the Earth visitors and the Clay People become allies in the tandem quest to defeat Azura and stop Ming from destroying the Earth.  - Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars

Meaning of "tandem" in English

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Meaning of "tandem" in Hindi

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