How to use "tantrum" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tantrum" in popular movie and book plots

  • Bertha attempts to talk her down, but Charlene eventually has a tantrum over the lack of malted milk balls and locks herself in her room.  - Red, White and Tuna
  • Another classmate, Chris (Nancy Allen), throws a tantrum and skips her detention for bullying Carrie, so she is banned from the prom.  - Carrie (1976 film)
  • When an awakened Michael Dawson (Harold Perrineau) asks him to turn it off, Walt throws a tantrum and flees the room with his dog Vincent.  - Exodus (Lost)
  • He chooses waitress Kathryn (Sally Kirkland) who has a tantrum and refuses to leave.  - Human Highway
  • She then shocks his parents with a sudden tantrum when they consider their son's marriage to Carol out of the question.  - Strait-Jacket
  • Inside his cell, Sam throws a tantrum and demands a "habus corpeas".  - Big House Bunny
  • When his mother gets upset, he throws a tantrum and bites her on the shoulder.  - Where the Wild Things Are (film)
  • During the session, the Wade family is driving back to their house, and Jessica throws a tantrum in the car.  - Dolly Dearest
  • After the Howie Hatchers leave with Mini to go to the hospital, Fudge throws a temper tantrum over what Mini did, saying he hated him.  - Double Fudge
  • This results in several acrimonious arguments and much tantrum throwing between the elderly couple.  - Hungama
  • She is locked in her room and in a childish tantrum throws thing at Amulya.  - Teen Kanya
  • Picard pretends to be Riker's son and demands the Ferengi take him to his "father," throwing a tantrum until his demand is met.  - Rascals (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • The resultant temper tantrum gets him fired and Oliver, his understudy, is cast in his place.  - A Simple Wish
  • Beloved soon throws a destructive tantrum and her malevolent presence causes living conditions in the house to deteriorate.  - Beloved (film)
  • Donald throws a tantrum and accidentally swallows the ball, causing the teams to chase after him to get it out.  - Mickey's Polo Team
  • Following the Witch's advice, he attempts to simply steal the red cape, but her ensuing temper tantrum guilts him into returning it.  - Into the Woods

Meaning of "tantrum" in English

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Meaning of "tantrum" in Hindi

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