How to use "taste" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "taste" in popular movie and book plots

  • The new arrivals get their first, sudden taste of war when a quiet spell beside a river is interrupted by an enemy mortar barrage.  - Hamburger Hill
  • ("lady fingers they taste just like lady fingers").  - Survivor Type
  • They mix it all together to create "sardine toffee" and taste it, with the following results.  - William Does His Bit
  • Her dying sister does so, but the taste of the fruit repulses her rather than satisfies her hunger.  - Goblin Market
  • Danny is finally set free, and Reuven and Danny taste profoundly the pain in life, and the consolation of deep friendship.  - The Chosen (Potok novel)
  • Mauricio, worried about Hal's new taste in women, convinces Robbins to give him the trigger phrase to undo the hypnosis.  - Shallow Hal
  • He wants Adric as a Chosen One and Romana, a Time Lord, for sacrifice at the Arising, the first taste of revenge for their master.  - State of Decay
  • When he has recovered from the shock, Oliver makes yet another concession to society and public taste and starts writing "trash".  - Virginia (novel)
  • Time and again she pokes fun at his inferior taste in music, his inability and unwillingness to read books, and his chauvinism.  - Mrs Craddock
  • At the Schöngrabern engagement, Nikolai Rostov, now an ensign in the Hussars, has his first taste of battle.  - War and Peace
  • However, his suspicions rise again when a meal is brought in, and he demands that Pip taste it first to prove that it is not poisoned.  - A Nice Place to Visit
  • the taste of food when you're hungry.  - The Devil and Daniel Webster
  • Henry grows up an idle young man, with a taste for attractive showgirls.  - Heaven Can Wait (1943 film)
  • Flo's new shows are a success, but after a while, the public's taste changes, and people begin to wonder if the times have not passed him by.  - The Great Ziegfeld
  • In Paris, the young lovers enjoy a blissful cohabitation, while Des Grieux struggles to satisfy Manon's taste for luxury.  - Manon Lescaut
  • Initially excited, he quickly discovers that he has no taste for milk, once one of his favorites.  - The Metamorphosis

Meaning of "taste" in English

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Meaning of "taste" in Hindi

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