How to use "taut" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "taut" in popular movie and book plots

  • A woman discovers that, becoming attracted to the wrong man can have deadly consequences in this taut and tense thriller.  - Aggar (film)
  • It is to the director's credit that he has used an age-old formula and made a taut film that does not put the audience to sleep.  - Amrutham
  • He pulls a rope taut between him and them and Burlingame climbs across, then Hammond vaults over the moving segment-creature.  - The Planet of Doubt
  • With the police approaching from behind, Nicky jumps off the edge of the marquee and into a blanket held taut by a group of fans.  - Times Square (film)

Meaning of "taut" in English

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Meaning of "taut" in Hindi

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