How to use "tea" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tea" in popular movie and book plots

  • They ask only for a modest pay raise, a new tea kettle, and a dartboard.  - Guards! Guards!
  • To avoid returning to Ayemenem, she marries a man who helps manage a tea estate.  - The God of Small Things
  • Worried that Diane will tell Eve about their tryst, Oscar finds Diane at a tea room with several of her friends.  - Tadpole (film)
  • He escapes with the petrified Jasra, and returns to Amber where an unusual Trump summoning imprisons him in the Mad Hatter's tea party.  - Blood of Amber
  • At a lamppost oddly located in the forest, she meets Tumnus, a faun, who invites her to tea in his home.  - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • The first part opens with Alice helping Mother set the table for tea time.  - Alice in Wonderland (1985 film)
  • Accompanied by the Soldier and the Condemned, the Explorer makes his way to a tea house in which he is shown the grave of the old Commandant.  - In the Penal Colony
  • In 1887, Chon Lin (Fann Wong) is drinking tea with her father (Kim Chan), the Keeper of the Imperial Seal of China, in the Forbidden City.  - Shanghai Knights
  • Fielding invites Adela and mrs Moore to a tea party with him and a Hindu-Brahmin professor named Narayan Godbole.  - A Passage to India
  • Merrick has tea with Treves and his wife, and is so overwhelmed by their kindness that he shows them his mother's picture.  - The Elephant Man (film)
  • His home has become a tea shop.  - Coming Up for Air
  • Nick invites Daisy to have tea at his house without telling her that Gatsby will also be there.  - The Great Gatsby
  • A complication arises when Tommy Gray (Alan Mowbray), a lifelong friend of Godfrey's, recognizes him at a tea party thrown by Irene.  - My Man Godfrey
  • Then, Wang Lung becomes besotted with Lotus (Tilly Losch), a pretty, young dancer at the local tea house, and makes her his second wife.  - The Good Earth (film)
  • Rynn coolly recounts how she put the powder in her mother's tea and watched her die.  - The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
  • Higgins awakens the next morning to find that, without Eliza, he has tea instead of coffee, and cannot find his own files.  - My Fair Lady

Meaning of "tea" in English

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Meaning of "tea" in Hindi

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