How to use "teammate" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "teammate" in popular movie and book plots

  • His buddy Honey Smith understands, but teammate Ed Kirby is so angry, he calls Reid a coward.  - The Forward Pass
  • The next day, Tommy tells his story to teammate Ryan, and later protects him from local bullyJ.  - The Sandlot: Heading Home
  • Unwilling to let his friend and teammate die, Leader-1 began his quest to find the legendary Last Engineer.  - Challenge of the GoBots
  • In the meantime, Brent has begun to flirt with teammate Pam, garnering Alison's concern.  - Cheerleader Camp
  • It is revealed that his confidante is teammate (and telepath) Emma Frost.  - New Worlds (comics)
  • A teammate from Team Numero Uno switches to Bull's Team because they are undefeated in the school.  - Custom Robo Arena
  • The Knicks instead inbound to Patton, who passes to an open teammate after three defenders come to him.  - Eddie (film)
  • He has a good start for Real as he substitutes former teammate Gavin Harris, who is in a bad form, in several matches.  - Goal II: Living the Dream
  • Another teammate suffers a devastating knee injury.  - The Franchise (novel)
  • (Sidra points out that their teammate at USC, Big Toni, quit the previous year and now works at a bookstore).  - Love & Basketball
  • After a month, a jealous teammate crushes Santiago's inhaler before a reserve game.  - Goal! (film)
  • During the pursuit, Shaw's teammate Robert Bly (Biehn) supposedly corners the gunman, but perishes, and Shaw is arrested by the NYPD.  - The Art of War (film)
  • A teammate introduces him to a young woman named Ethel (Allyson) and soon they are married and raising a family.  - The Stratton Story
  • At his first game, he befriends teammate Tom Stewart but earns the disdain of star player and team bully Larry Willingham.  - Air Bud
  • Soon, however, teammate Carver (Bianca Kajlich) is injured and can no longer compete with her broken leg.  - Bring It On (film)
  • Several ninjas from Konoha, including Team 7, fight against the Akatsuki members and search for their teammate Sasuke.  - Naruto

Meaning of "teammate" in English

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Meaning of "teammate" in Hindi

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