How to use "tearful" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tearful" in popular movie and book plots

  • He embraces the tearful Charlotte and whispers something in her ear.  - Lost in Translation (film)
  • The Jetsons then bid their new friends a tearful goodbye, including Fergie, who attempted to stow away aboard the Jetsons' car.  - Jetsons: The Movie
  • Deciding that her scientific skills are needed more on Terminus, Nyssa elects to stay behind, bidding her friends a tearful farewell.  - Terminus (Doctor Who)
  • The next day, Bart rents up a loft near downtown and says tearful goodbyes to everyone (except Homer).  - Barting Over
  • Her tearful performance in the witness box convinced the jury of her innocence.  - The Murder on the Links
  • Nicole tells her family, with tearful eyes, that the phone number is Granville's, so he must be the leader of the Topaz organization.  - Topaz (1969 film)
  • Doe subsequently dies, but not before Ray has a tearful final farewell with his best friend.  - Tell England
  • During an overnight stop, Luisa leaves a tearful message on Jano's answering machine explaining that she has left him.  - Y Tu Mamá También
  • Andrew dismisses this but rings Tea anyway, to be told by Tea's tearful flatmate, Joyce, that Tea has been strangled and her body found.  - Sleuth (1972 film)
  • Realizing that it is his time to go, he and Molly share a tearful goodbye and one final kiss.  - Ghost (1990 film)
  • Holman and Eckert have a tearful parting, finally making clear their love for each other.  - The Sand Pebbles (film)
  • Later, knowing her royal responsibilities must resume, the princess bids a tearful farewell to Joe and returns to the embassy.  - Roman Holiday
  • She has a tearful revelation: "Here he belongs.  - The Jazz Singer
  • After a tearful reconciliation, they continue their adventure in the city, having their photograph taken together and visiting a funfair.  - Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
  • During a tearful argument, she tells Holden about her "many" youthful sexual experimentations.  - Chasing Amy
  • Jack bids a tearful goodbye to his cow ("I Guess This Is Goodbye"), and the Baker orders his wife to return to the village with the cow.  - Into the Woods

Meaning of "tearful" in English

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Meaning of "tearful" in Hindi

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