How to use "technicality" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "technicality" in popular movie and book plots

  • Bo's release is soon followed by Boyd's, after a technicality prevents him from being further incarcerated.  - Justified (season 1)
  • Bo's release is soon followed by Boyd's, after a technicality prevents him from being further incarcerated.  - Justified (TV series)
  • Ariel and Wolruf wake up and they convince Canute to release Ariel through a technicality in dr Avery's order only to not release Derec.  - Isaac Asimov's Robot City: Prodigy
  • Convoluted military politics and a technicality let Barr walk free.  - One Shot (novel)
  • A legal technicality impedes the speedy disbursement of his inheritance, so our the two heroes take jobs on a local ranch as farmhands.  - Jalisco Sings in Seville
  • As federal judge, Devereaux upholds Carter's claim based on a legal technicality involving the soldiers' absence during the war.  - The Man from Colorado
  • When Vickerman questions the judges, he learns that Mina was penalized on the technicality of showing a bra strap.  - Stick It
  • Before that we see the technicality of the story, where Beck tries and removes all the cover from the murder at the bus.  - The Laughing Policeman (novel)
  • Trouble intervenes when a legal technicality threatens the contract with Buddy Hare.  - The Hucksters
  • Hearing Doob has again gotten off on a technicality bolsters her resolve.  - Eye for an Eye (1996 film)
  • The victim was his last wife, of whose murder he was acquitted owing to a legal technicality and a witness's untimely death.  - The Adventure of the Illustrious Client
  • At trial, the pair are released on a technicality after Anthony discovers that the judge is drinking vodka.  - Up in Smoke
  • Botchan and Porcupine overcome this technicality by pummeling both Red Shirt and Hanger-on into submission on the spot.  - Botchan

Meaning of "technicality" in English

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Meaning of "technicality" in Hindi

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