How to use "technician" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "technician" in popular movie and book plots

  • The X-ray technician attempts to return it, but Froelich pretends not to hear and runs off panicked.  - The Concorde ... Airport '79
  • Later, in the night, a cable technician arrives at the Wilson house to install cable TV.  - Return of the Living Dead Part II
  • The Doctor talks to van Statten, while Rose tours the facility with a technician named Adam Mitchell.  - Dalek (Doctor Who episode)
  • Twins Emily and Will Hart became Steelheart and Steelwill, the SilverHawks’s technician and strongman respectively.  - SilverHawks
  • Before the station's defences can be activated, Chessene incapacitates the technician on post and opens the docking bays.  - The Two Doctors
  • Bourne breaks in and holds Conklin and logistics technician Nicolette "Nicky" Parsons (Julia Stiles) at gunpoint.  - The Bourne Identity (2002 film)
  • Seymour "Sy" Parrish (Robin Williams) is a photo technician at a one-hour photo in a big-box store.  - One Hour Photo
  • Bourne follows Landy and Abbott as they meet former Treadstone support technician Nicky Parsons to question her about Bourne.  - The Bourne Supremacy (film)
  • A technician explains to her that she was in a Dreamatron "Fully Interactive Dream" machine, running a "Country Picnic" program.  - Dreams for Sale
  • The Master, hastening to extract the record himself, kills Runcible's technician using his TCE (Tissue Compression Eliminator).  - The Deadly Assassin
  • Andrew Carr is employed as a technician in the Empire's Mapping and Exploration survey of Cottman IV, known locally as Darkover.  - The Spell Sword
  • Carl and his crew explore the island and are attacked by vicious natives, who kill Carl's sound technician as well as one of the sailors.  - King Kong (2005 film)
  • Bond fakes Metz by telling him he is Klaus Hergersheimer, a technician he met in the facility.  - Diamonds Are Forever (film)
  • He is then contacted by a technician who managed to circumvent SHODAN's jamming signal.  - System Shock
  • Parker takes up arms, with the help of Hendrix, a rebellious Ultor security technician who guides Parker through the complex.  - Red Faction (video game)
  • This final episode features a cameo by Straczynski as the technician who switches off the lights before Babylon 5 is demolished.  - Babylon 5

Meaning of "technician" in English

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Meaning of "technician" in Hindi

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