How to use "telegraph" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "telegraph" in popular movie and book plots

  • On the Northwest Frontier of India, circa 1880, contact has been lost with a British outpost at Tantrapur in the midst of a telegraph message.  - Gunga Din (film)
  • One day, people came out to mark the route for a telegraph line that was to run near Isak’s farm.  - Growth of the Soil
  • Looking at two telegraph poles, he gets the inspiration for his poem Telegraph Poles on a Moonlit Night.  - Spring and Chaos
  • While surveying a telegraph line in 1861, Western Union engineer Edward Creighton (Dean Jagger) is severely injured in an accident.  - Western Union (film)
  • Efforts to contact Wellington are in vain as the telegraph is blown up.  - Sharpe's Gold (novel)
  • Theron eventually falls asleep and Brother Soulsby goes to telegraph Alice.  - The Damnation of Theron Ware
  • He resigns his post, and goes to work as a telegraph clerk.  - In His Steps
  • Despite Burns's attempt to operate a telegraph machine or Homer's attempt to dig a tunnel through the snow, they remain trapped.  - Mountain of Madness
  • Dilling is to pose as a telegraph operator in his effort to watch the banker.  - The Shock (1923 film)
  • Bradford returns to the outpost and sends a telegraph to the garrison.  - Virginia City (film)
  • Holmes looks at the telegraph forms in Staunton's room, and then at the blotter, finally finding a clue.  - The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter
  • The Tartar Khan (prince), Feofar Khan, incites a rebellion and separates the Russian Far East from the mainland, severing telegraph lines.  - Michael Strogoff
  • Padway eventually develops a printing press, issues newspapers, and builds a crude semaphore telegraph system utilizing small telescopes.  - Lest Darkness Fall
  • They are forced to cannibalize their wireless telegraph to repair the device.  - Fantastic Voyage
  • Macreedy goes to Hastings' (Russell Collins) telegraph office and writes a telegram addressed to the state police.  - Bad Day at Black Rock
  • Chang then makes his way to a telegraph office and sends a coded message.  - Shanghai Express (film)

Meaning of "telegraph" in English

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Meaning of "telegraph" in Hindi

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