How to use "telescope" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "telescope" in popular movie and book plots

  • When some romantic encounter is shown her with the aid of a telescope she rushes through the street demanding that people "Stop it.  - Gender Education
  • The body at the dig is of a woman who rebelled against them and the archway is a telescope she built to spot the approaching spheres.  - Love and War (Cornell novel)
  • At an observatory, Professor Isobe spots an object in his telescope apparently releasing smaller objects.  - Warning from Space
  • Joker reveals that he has replaced the observatory's massive telescope with a cannon, which begins to fire upon Batman and Robin.  - Christmas with the Joker
  • Moominpappa gets the idea about the astronomical observatory in the Lonely mountains, where a telescope can see far into space.  - Comet in Moominland (film)
  • The film opens with him using his tripod-mounted telescope outdoors on a clear night to show other children the stars and planets.  - Sweet Sixteen (2002 film)
  • The Enterprise is sent to investigate the shutdown of the Argus Array, a deep-space telescope and radio antenna.  - The Nth Degree (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • To make amends, they buy Doc a present of a microscope, but mistakenly get him a telescope instead.  - Cannery Row (film)
  • Once the Dalai Lama arrives at his new residence, he unpacks his telescope and steps outside.  - Kundun
  • Sam has even set up a telescope which Scully cannot resist using voyeuristically to watch her.  - Body Double
  • Landon is building a telescope for Jamie to be able to see a one-time comet in the springtime.  - A Walk to Remember
  • Shortly before its official opening, the telescope picks up a signal from the distant Andromeda Nebula.  - A for Andromeda
  • While recovering at home, Alex uses his telescope and discovers the thieves on look out for the chip.  - Home Alone 3
  • Kamin spends much time outdoors and with his Dobsonian telescope studying nature.  - The Inner Light (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Lisa loans Bart her telescope to entertain him.  - Bart of Darkness
  • Wayne Enterprises presents a new telescope at a press conference interrupted by Isley.  - Batman & Robin (film)

Meaning of "telescope" in English

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Meaning of "telescope" in Hindi

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