How to use "temper" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "temper" in popular movie and book plots

  • Julie apologizes for losing her temper earlier and buys Paula a drink.  - The Business of Strangers
  • Yet when Niki refuses to give the address of a porn industry player to Van Dorn, he loses his temper and strikes her.  - Hardcore (1979 film)
  • Brad is subsequently fired for losing his temper at an obnoxious customer.  - Fast Times at Ridgemont High
  • Finch loses his temper and attacks Buddy before storming out, causing Walter to yell at Buddy.  - Elf (film)
  • In the parking lot, Melanie mocks Louis until he loses his temper and shoots her dead.  - Jackie Brown
  • Realizing that he accidentally switched genres, Mickey loses his temper over his performance being disrupted in this manner.  - The Band Concert
  • Bugsy refuses to shut up, so Vince loses his temper and grabs a pistol from the management office.  - Fierce Creatures
  • Once the circus is assembled, mrs Jumbo loses her temper at a group of boys for tormenting Dumbo, and is locked up and deemed mad.  - Dumbo
  • His wife Lillian is loyal and docile, tolerant of Meechum's temper and drinking.  - The Great Santini
  • His crude behavior and violent temper cause Etting a number of problems along the way.  - Love Me or Leave Me (film)
  • After Tre gets in a fight at school, his teacher informs Reva that Tre is highly intelligent but has a volatile temper and lacks respect.  - Boyz n the Hood
  • Pierre loses his temper and challenges Dolokhov to a duel.  - War and Peace
  • Michael, troubled by Vincent's fiery temper but impressed by his family loyalty, agrees to take him under his wing.  - The Godfather Part III
  • Furious, Schwartzenhoffen blows his temper again and makes the duo run away.  - The Music Box
  • Following the Witch's advice, he attempts to simply steal the red cape, but her ensuing temper tantrum guilts him into returning it.  - Into the Woods
  • She loses her temper at him, and he silently takes it.  - Gone with the Wind (novel)

Meaning of "temper" in English

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Meaning of "temper" in Hindi

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