How to use "temperament" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "temperament" in popular movie and book plots

  • His temperament becomes worse as a result.  - Salah Asuhan
  • He was the only American-born director with both an interesting temperament and an artistic conscience".  - Crazy Sunday
  • The four men selected to go on the trip find they are very different in temperament and outlook, and tempers flare between two of them.  - Collision Course (Silverberg novel)
  • Cairn is described as an honorable man who was "born out of his time" in terms of his temperament and physical abilities.  - Almuric
  • Leah's family forgive her temperament due to her medical condition, yet she exploits that fact fully.  - The Sign of the Ram
  • Baptiste does not do it because he is not of the temperament to do so.  - The Homesteader
  • At the Independent Art Studio in Hollywood, where the film is being made, Lili's temperament and lack of talent cause Conroy much concern.  - Going Hollywood
  • Donna tells the Doctor not to travel alone, and suggests he needs someone with him to help keep his temperament in check.  - The Runaway Bride (Doctor Who)
  • Amongst the six sons, Dadi has the strangest temperament and is still single.  - Portrait of Home
  • Stan does not have the proper temperament to enjoy hunting, and finds himself unable to shoot a living target.  - Volcano (South Park)
  • Since Viviane's strong temperament is similar to her mother's, the two often clash.  - Lady of Avalon
  • The knight speaks of her surpassing beauty and temperament and reveals that her name was “good, fair White.  - The Book of the Duchess
  • Her temperament has prevented her from getting a boyfriend.  - Haré+Guu
  • Ramu, by contrast, has a calmer temperament and is married soon after.  - Mother India
  • The principals are taking a risk that she'll contain her artistic temperament and lay off the bottle.  - Morning Glory (1933 film)
  • As a teenager, Mort has a personality and temperament that makes him unsuited to the family farming business.  - Mort

Meaning of "temperament" in English

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Meaning of "temperament" in Hindi

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