How to use "temperance" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "temperance" in popular movie and book plots

  • After the elopement, Gladys and John get a stern lecture on temperance and sobriety from Martin and reform their ways as well.  - The Mad Whirl
  • Minister Tui agitates for dry law using extremely hypocritical methods (indications to the temperance movement).  - Firewater (film)
  • Sullivan vows to turn his life around, speaking on behalf of temperance unions as Kathy sees a glimmer of hope for their future.  - The Great John L.
  • Meanwhile, temperance activist Carrie Nation and her band of women arrive at Connors' saloon to tear it down with axes and hatchets.  - The Bowery (film)
  • The local leader of the temperance league, George Beenstock, has two sons.  - Walking Happy
  • Pike uses a serendipitous temperance union parade to shield their getaway, and many citizens are killed in the crossfire.  - The Wild Bunch

Meaning of "temperance" in English

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Meaning of "temperance" in Hindi

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