How to use "temporal" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "temporal" in popular movie and book plots

  • Tholians arrive, requesting the pod and warning Enterprise of temporal radiation.  - Future Tense (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • She becomes disconnected from the temporal world and from her own body, experiencing frequent and inexplicable déjà vu.  - The Body Artist
  • He then says that the Malus must have created a temporal rift, which allowed Will to slip into the future.  - The Awakening (Doctor Who)
  • Ambassador Soval is dubious of Archer's temporal war argument, and tries to dissuade him from venturing into this dangerous section of space.  - The Expanse (Star Trek: Enterprise episode)
  • Extant had acquired temporal powers, using them to unravel the DC Universe's timeline.  - Zero Hour: Crisis in Time
  • Taking Data's second head, the Enterprise travels to the planet, and discovers a temporal disturbance on the planet.  - Time's Arrow (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • The Hand of Fear introduced the concept of the TARDIS being in a state of temporal grace, meaning that no weapons could be used inside it.  - Earthshock
  • Since he is still alive, he is concerned that he may have died in the past and only exists now as a temporal anomaly.  - The Two Doctors
  • The TSA exists to prevent temporal rips in the space/time continuum, by which changes in the past can alter the present.  - The Journeyman Project (series)
  • The temporal feedback circuit on the time machine also overloads — as the Doctor explains to the Brigadier, it has blown a fuse.  - Day of the Daleks
  • It is stated that the event which caused Vimes and Carcer to be sent into the past was a major temporal shattering.  - Night Watch (Discworld)
  • Dwellers are one of the "Slow" species who experience life at a much slower temporal rate.  - The Algebraist
  • It is this temporal limitation of their happiness which makes their remaining time together so precious.  - Three Comrades (novel)
  • However, Picard and the Enterprise manage to escape through a temporal vortex created by the Premonition.  - Star Trek: Armada
  • Three priests are present, and they reflect on the absence of Becket and the rise of temporal power.  - Murder in the Cathedral
  • The Borg sphere generates and enters a temporal vortex.  - Star Trek: First Contact

Meaning of "temporal" in English

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Meaning of "temporal" in Hindi

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