How to use "tenacious" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tenacious" in popular movie and book plots

  • A rich "bad boy" falls in love with an innocent but tenacious woman who went to prison for her boyfriend's 'hit and run' murder.  - Secret Love (TV series)
  • A tenacious Tuttle insists on the continuation of the investigation.  - A Member of the Third House
  • As their combat starts off, Cyclops clearly has the advantage, but Witch Bitch is tenacious and fights viciously.  - Monster Brawl
  • The tenacious Lois is struck by the gloomy loner and sets about trying to break Eddie's vow of chastity and his homicidal line of work.  - Love and Action in Chicago
  • Once they reach a deal, the two men attempt to leave Mattie behind, but she proves more tenacious than they had expected.  - True Grit (novel)
  • Humanity has found a new ally in their ongoing war against the Beetle Hive, a tenacious species called the Mrdini.  - Damia's Children
  • Led by Adam, the men wage a tenacious campaign to have Jonesy freed, but all efforts eventually fail.  - Execution (novel)
  • Aaron is tenacious and happy to see Bill in person.  - The Kid & I
  • At this crucial moment in the story, the tenacious Senator Cooley dissects Gelman's testimony and discovers a way to identify James Morton.  - Advise and Consent

Meaning of "tenacious" in English

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Meaning of "tenacious" in Hindi

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