How to use "tenure" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tenure" in popular movie and book plots

  • During his tenure at Beth Israel, Plotkin was heavily involved in Phoenix's Jewish and non-Jewish communities.  - Congregation Beth Israel (Scottsdale, Arizona)
  • During his tenure on the project, Kawamata met Matsuzaki, a twisted scientist who was kicked out of Japan for unscrupulous practices.  - Dark Soldier D
  • He hopes his tenure as ambassador will be a short one.  - Leave It to Me!
  • Walter’s long absence has put him in danger of losing his tenure at the Garaden Institute that employs both him and Harold as psychologists.  - Sir Harold and the Gnome King
  • During the Doctor's tenure with UNIT, a full season of stories revolved around the Master, ending in his capture by UNIT in The Dæmons.  - Last of the Time Lords
  • During Krishnaswamy's tenure in jail, Yamuna takes care of his family.  - Mahanadi (film)
  • After his tenure as a one-day CM he starts preparing for the Indian Civil Service Examination to win Manjari's hand in marriage.  - Nayak (2001 Hindi film)
  • This book is a story about a professor trying to attain his tenure at a university's business school.  - Critical Chain (novel)
  • She gives it to Taran as a pledge that she will not forget him during her tenure at Dinas Rhydnant.  - The Castle of Llyr
  • John's tenure is threatened because Carol has filed a formal complaint with the committee, accusing him of being sexist and pornographic.  - Oleanna (play)
  • He voluntarily departs the house, ending his tenure on the show.  - Extras (TV series)
  • He has not told his wife (Gary) that he was fired and is simply serving out his tenure at the agency while looking for a new position.  - Pray for the Wildcats
  • Because of the students' marked improvement, Principal Kelban (Francis McCarthy) grants Shoop tenure for his positive efforts.  - Summer School (1987 film)
  • The American edition has an extra chapter at the end, documenting the weathering of a WordStorm during Thursday's tenure as Bellman.  - The Well of Lost Plots
  • Botchan's tenure in Matsuyama turns out to be short (less than two months) but eventful.  - Botchan
  • He wakes up to find that during his tenure he decided to forgo the payment of money and instead receive an envelope of trinkets.  - Paycheck (short story)

Meaning of "tenure" in English

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Meaning of "tenure" in Hindi

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