How to use "terminate" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "terminate" in popular movie and book plots

  • After Colby settles in, his decision to terminate Subject 20 to prevent further deaths is met with research-minded secrecy and resistance.  - Forbidden World
  • Somehow Matthias's insanity is linked to the order to terminate Jenna Karas.  - The Parsifal Mosaic
  • The robotic animals escape and flee around New York City, and Evo sets out to terminate them before they terrorise the planet.  - Space Station Silicon Valley
  • programming that compels him to terminate Harada.  - Bloodshot (comics)
  • Pendlesmythe wants to terminate Ernest's employment, but Charlotte has a soft heart for misfits and stray dogs, so she argues on his behalf.  - Ernest Goes to Jail
  • Finally, Doug tries to terminate the time loop, but just his effort creates all premises for the loop.  - A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
  • Anakin advances through the facility, murdering the guards sent to terminate him after the leaders realize that Palpatine has betrayed them.  - Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (video game)
  • As We4 begins to attack a police officer, Bandit rescues him and the military terminate We4.  - We3
  • Smiley is sent by the Circus to round up Leclerc, Haldane and Avery, and terminate The Department's covert activities.  - The Looking Glass War
  • At the end of the party, Burns announces that he will terminate the prescription drug plan.  - Midnight Rx
  • On Mars, Hilder's allies are pressing Sankov to terminate all water exports to the Martian colony.  - The Martian Way
  • As Detroit Police Department is owned by OCP, they terminate police pension plans and cut salaries, triggering a police strike.  - RoboCop 2
  • An antagonist in the series, Falcon-Price often tries to terminate the employment of the Mount Thomas sergeant or to close the entire station.  - Blue Heelers
  • He is then forced to terminate an assassin named Shayes (Peter Stormare) on the Chicago 'L' train.  - Mercury Rising
  • She has become pregnant by one of the rapists, but ignores advice to terminate the pregnancy.  - Disgrace
  • Denton, siding with Breed, insists that Reisman has exceeded his authority and urges General Worden to terminate Operation Amnesty.  - The Dirty Dozen

Meaning of "terminate" in English

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Meaning of "terminate" in Hindi

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