How to use "testify" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "testify" in popular movie and book plots

  • He began leading prayer groups and he impressed members of the local congregation with his ability to testify to sin.  - Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo
  • to testify before the Atomic Energy Commission.  - Silkwood
  • In the meantime, Lilac decides to marry her, but only because as his wife she would not be able to testify against him.  - Ball of Fire
  • Lila turns herself in as the murderer and asks Puff to testify on the waywardness of humanity before he returns to his home in the forest.  - Human Nature (film)
  • When he is informed that the victim was scheduled to testify in a lawsuit, his suspicion slowly turns into conviction.  - Affliction (film)
  • Verbal says that the entire plan was Keaton's idea, but refuses to testify in court.  - The Usual Suspects
  • Meanwhile, Liz, who had been invited to East Germany for a Communist Party information exchange, is forced to testify at the tribunal.  - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
  • He exacerbates this resentment by volunteering to testify in the Bloody Christmas case in exchange for a promotion to Detective Lieutenant.  - L.A. Confidential (film)
  • Through Pilant, Biegler tries to persuade Paquette to testify for the defense, but Paquette refuses.  - Anatomy of a Murder
  • They identify Dingle as a fellow occupant who can testify that they are only roommates.  - The More the Merrier
  • During the trial, both he and Tori testify on the stand that he was the shooter.  - The Cheat (1915 film)
  • When he realizes Belle might testify against him, Dion asks her to marry him, making her testimony inadmissible.  - In Old Chicago
  • Attorney Robert Morgenthau, who had served him with a subpoena to testify before a grand jury investigating organized crime.  - Joseph Bonanno
  • Some key witnesses become scared and refuse to testify while others, such as Ferrie, are killed in suspicious circumstances.  - JFK (film)
  • Now they must testify in the Wanderer's trial, for the police have arrived.  - The Wanderer (Leiber novel)
  • The dealer comes to Gordon to testify against Flass, who is brought up on charges.  - Batman: Year One

Meaning of "testify" in English

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Meaning of "testify" in Hindi

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