How to use "testimonial" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "testimonial" in popular movie and book plots

  • Afterward, Earl gives Greg a heartfelt testimonial for Rachel before letting him know that he's finished with their friendship.  - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (film)
  • When Goli finds out about Mona's forthcoming testimonial which would expose his real identity, he tracks her down and kills her.  - Khiladi (film series)
  • Maddux has a change of heart and arranges a gala testimonial dinner, hosted by Walter Winchell and Florenz Ziegfeld, in her honor.  - The Helen Morgan Story
  • As a testimonial dinner is organized in Scottie's honor, he attempts to repair some of his past relationships in the time he has left.  - Tribute (1980 film)
  • When Goli finds out about Mona's forthcoming testimonial which would expose his real identity, he tracks her down and kills her.  - Main Khiladi Tu Anari
  • Tommy then gives a tearful testimonial and wonders if he will live to see tomorrow.  - Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County
  • Gathering testimonial evidence from other individuals in the community, Mulrooney slowly begins to wonder if the mummy is real.  - The Mummy (1959 film)

Meaning of "testimonial" in English

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Meaning of "testimonial" in Hindi

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